Your family is the most important thing in your life. That’s why we’re proud to offer Decreasing Term policies with single or joint coverage. If your goal is to make sure your family is left with enough money to pay off a mortgage, send your children to college, or cover future living expenses, the Decreasing Term policy may be for you.
- Minimum Face Amount – $25000
- Death Benefits decrease annually on a scheduled basis
- Issue Ages
15 Year Decreasing Term -15 to 70
30 Year Decreasing Term – 15 to 50 - Premiums vary by issue age, sex, tobacco/non-tobacco rates and overall health history.
- Premium Waiver Benefit Rider is available from age 15 to 55 on 15-year Decreasing Term, and age 15 to 50 on 30-year Decreasing Term.
- Accidental Death Benefit Rider is available from age 15 to 60 on 15-year Decreasing Term, and age 15 to 50 on 30-year Decreasing Term.